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Snuggly Buggly Biggly Gigglies

Buggly brings laughter and joy to everyone daily.

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Mommy calls this my "Look of Wonderment"

Everything is so new and fascinating, especially sounds and lights!
At 5 weeks old, I'm looking around more.
I can see! I can see!
At 8 weeks old, I like looking at and listening to my Tiny Love musical crib mobile.
  At 10 weeks old, I'm "talking" -- cooing responsively, showing signs of becoming a brilliant conversationalist.


Buggly works out in his gymbini.


I coulda been a contender.

Photo 08/25/01


Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.


Buggly gets a new look: a spiked 'do!   (No gel required.)


Hey, what's that sound?
Oops, I think it was me.

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Buggly's Family


Updated 10/26/01